BWT RUN For You and Planet Blue

with BWT Mineralized Water

WWD Run 2024
WWD 2024 run

On World Water Day, BWT launched the 6K RUN For You and Planet Blue to raise aware­ness of the strug­gles many people face in accessing clean drinking water and to raise funds to build water wells and change lives forever!


Take a moment to think about the last time you took a sip of clean water: a seem­ingly simple act, often just a few steps away in the kitchen. But behind that ordi­nary moment for you lies a diffi­cult struggle for more than 2 billion people without access to clean water. Switch places and you'll find girls and women in Africa walking an average of 6 kilo­me­tres, carrying water containers weighing more than 20 kilos. Sounds exhausting, doesn't it?

World Water Day is about working together to balance everyone’s needs, to ensure that no one is left behind, and to make water a cata­lyst for a more peaceful world.

We believe that change begins within ourselves, and no contri­bu­tion is too small. People can achieve amazing things when they work together.

Between the 13th and 26th of May, Change­Makers around the world run this 6K for the people that do not have access to safe drinking water.

For every partic­i­pant, BWT will donate 6 Euros to the b.water­MIS­SION so that more people have access to the elixir of life, within 150 metres of their homes.

Do you want to be a Change­Maker?

Read more about this inicia­tive and sign up!

WWD Run 2024

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