BWT pressure reducer D1 Inox
Pressure reducer for the protection of the domestic installation
Product number: 125300300
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- Pressure reducing valve for the protection of the domestic installation against pressure damage, for saving water and for sound insulation.
- Application in the private, industrial and commercial environment in 1/2" to 2", common construction lengths for easy replacement.
- Highest flow performance and perfect pressure control behaviour due to patented Venturi effect.
- High-quality metal material stainless steel 1.4408 (V4A)
- First-class plastics from medical technology
- Easy to replace stainless steel filter screen 160 µm
- Visible scale from all sides for pressure adjustment without manometer
- D1 Inox 40.16 for water temperatures up to 40 °C and inlet pressure up to 16 bar
D1 Inox 85.25 for water temperatures up to 85 °C and inlet pressure up to 25 bar
BWT D1 pressure reducer - champion of all classes
The BWT D1 pressure reducer protects water supply systems in single and multi-family homes, commercial and industrial buildings from excessive supply pressure in accordance with ÖNORM EN 806-2 in conjunction with DIN 1988-200, thus helping to prevent pressure damage, reduce water consumption and ensure sound insulation. The D1 is used to reduce pressure and regulate a desired back pressure and keeps it constant, even if the upstream pressure fluctuates greatly. An even and not too high pressure protects fittings and equipment in the entire water supply system.
Technical details
BWT pressure reducer D1 - Variants: | BWT D1 2" 85.25 |
Dimensions, design: | DN 15 - DN 50 valve insert, spring cap, strainer and filter cup in 3 sizes: I - 1/2" and 3/4", II - 1" and 5/4", III - 6/4" and 2". |
Housing: | Stainless steel 1.4408 (V4A) |
Material sieve cup: | Stainless steel 1.4408 / V4A |
Pre-pressure / back-pressure adjustable: | 25 bar / 1.5 - 7 bar |
Temperature range: | Hot water up to 85 °C |
The BWT D1 pressure reducer protects water supply systems in single and multi-family homes, commercial and industrial buildings from excessive supply pressure in accordance with ÖNORM EN 806-2 in conjunction with DIN 1988-200. It thus helps to prevent pressure damage, reduce water consumption and ensure sound insulation. The D1 is used to reduce pressure and regulate a desired back pressure and keeps it constant, even if the upstream pressure fluctuates greatly. An even and not too high pressure protects fittings and devices in the entire water supply system.
- Water pipe bursts with immense consequential damage
- Noise pollution due to pressure peaks
- Increased water consumption or costs due to uneconomically high pressure in the domestic water pipe
ÖNORMEN 806-5 recommends that a pressure reducer be inspected or serviced annually.
The Austrian Drinking Water Ordinance stipulates in §5 that the operator of a water supply system must maintain it in proper condition in accordance with the state of the art.
ÖNORM EN 806-5 recommends that a pressure reducer be inspected or serviced annually.
The Austrian Drinking Water Ordinance stipulates in §5 that the operator of a water supply system must keep it in proper condition in accordance with the state of the art.
The BWT D1 Hygiene Set ½" - ¾" for:
- BWT D1 Eco 40.16 in sizes ½" to ¾"
- BWT D1 Red 40.16 in sizes ½" to ¾"
- BWT D1 Inox 40.16 in sizes ½" to ¾"
The BWT D1 Hygiene Set 1" - 1 ¼" for:
- BWT D1 Eco 40.16 in sizes 1" to 1 ¼"
- BWT D1 Red 40.16 in sizes 1" to 1 ¼"
- BWT D1 Inox 40.16 in sizes 1" to 1 ¼"