Our consulÂtaÂtive approach means we listen to you and the needs of your busiÂness before suggesting the soluÂtion we think is right for you. Our water dispensers, coolers, boilers and drinking water taps are perfect for delivÂering fresh drinking water in the most conveÂnient way wherÂever you need it. Search our range here
Our expeÂriÂence of delivÂering workÂplace drinking water soluÂtions spans over 22 years. During which time we have worked with various large busiÂnesses, small indeÂpenÂdent retailers and many more in between. Find out more about us here
As one of Europe’s leading water techÂnology compaÂnies we are proud of our enviÂronÂmental goals and our mission to Change the world Sip by Sip. We believe small changes, when added together, make a real differÂence.
Our Bottle Free Zones initiaÂtive was created to help reduce the amount of single use plastic bottles that end up in our oceans. Talk to us today, to discuss the best coolers, filters and ancilÂlaries to support your sustainÂability objecÂtives.
Taste Matters
At BWT, we realise taste matters, so we offer all our customers who choose a plumbed in water dispenser the opporÂtuÂnity to upgrade their water, to MagneÂsium MinerÂalÂized Water. BeauÂtiÂfully filtered water, that we enrich with essenÂtial minerals like MagneÂsium to deliver the perfect mineral content and a pracÂtical neutral pH value. Resulting in a high-​quality drinking water for you, your colleagues, staff and visiÂtors without the need for single use plastic bottles. Contact us for more inforÂmaÂtion
How many people will need to use the dispenser?
Do you have easy access to main quality drinking water we can tap into?
Do you want to make hot drinks from the water you dispenser?
Are your premises accessible to delivery vehicles during the working day?
Are you looking to place the dispenser in a public area?
Will your dispenser be subject to a rough and tumble environment like in a busy corridor or in a workshop?
Do you need your dispenser need to make a statement maybe in your reception area?
See full details here
We Can Change the World, Sip by Sip.