BWT Thero 90 RO System
BWT Thero 90 RO System
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BWT Thero 90 Pro

Reverse Osmosis System

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Item number: 821105
  • Ultra-compact and space saving drinking water solution
  • Removes salts, heavy metals, organics, chlorine, micro-organisms and, microplastics
  • Much more economical in flushing water than conventional appliances
  • Leak alarm via the LED in the event of an internal leak as well as a leaking tap
  • Reliable & efficient as the separation process functions via a membrane whereby tap water is purified under high pressure
  • Easy to use and the filter can be replaced easily, quickly and without tools.
  • Control and monitoring via Smartphone app with Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Kostenloser Versand
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  • Lieferung in
    5 - 6 Werktagen
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    sichere Bezahlung

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Product Details



The Thero-90 is an RO appli­ance designed for domestic house­holds, fitted under the sink to deliver puri­fied, clean water from your kitchen tap. It is a new gener­a­tion RO system that helps you remove all unwanted substances (heavy metals, chlo­rine, hard­ness, bad smells, and tastes) and offers you with the purest water ideal for drinking, washing fruits and vegeta­bles, and cooking meals.

The compact device contains a high-pressure pump and pres­sure measure­ments. Under high pres­sure (about 8 bar), the water is passed over a semi-permeable membrane, where pure water diffuses through the membrane to the permeate outlet, and the concen­trate (residual water thick­ened in salts) runs contin­u­ously to the drain. The thero-90 only works in combi­na­tion with a kitchen sink tap; however, it doesn’t require any further acces­sories to func­tion, not even a storage vessel that can promote bacte­rial growth.

To ensure a long service life of the diaphragm, the pump remains idle for approx. 10 seconds after produc­tion to thor­oughly rinse away the last residual salts. In addi­tion, the device auto­mat­i­cally rinses for approx. 30 seconds, every 3 hours of stop­page.


TheRO-90 Pro Version

The Thero-90 Pro has some extra measuring probes (conductivity and temperature) and a water meter and offers monitoring and control via an App (requirements for smartphones: minimum Android 7.0 or iPhone 6). In the App you can program the start/stop pressures, read out the operating data, the remaining capacity of the pre-filter, and the alarms. In case of a leak, this alarm is triggered and the LED on the device will flash red.


Multi-Stage Filtra­tion Process

Level 1. Micro filtra­tion > 0.1 μm - Removes: Plankton, Algae, Turbidity, Bacteria and Undis­solved Parti­cles


Level 2. Ultra-Filtration > 0.01 μm - Plus: Macro­mol­e­cules, Viruses, and Colloids


Level 3. Nano Filtra­tion > 0.001 μm - Plus: Organic compounds and large ions


Level 4. Reverse Osmosis > 0.0001 μm - Plus : Ions


BWT Services

Technical details

Product features

Item number 821105
App Yes
Membrane flushing Yes
Interval membrane flushing Yes
Measurements (D x W x H) 264 x 121 x 451 mm
Weight 8.8 Kgs
Performance at 15 °C 90 l/h | 1.5 l/min
Min. inlet pressure 2.0 bar
Ambient temperature 5–40 °C
Water temperature 5–30 °C
Salt retention >98%
Yield approx. 0,5
Max. raw water hardness 20 °dH
Iron (Fe) & Manganese (Mn) <0.05 mg/l
Silicate (SiO) <15 ml/l
Total dissolved salt content <500 mg/l
Blocking index (SDI - Silt Density Index) <3%/min
Oxidizing substances <0.05 mg/l
Filter exchange At least every 2 years
BWT Thero 90 RO System


Thero90 BWT Thero 90 Pro Select product variant

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