Installing a drinking water filter makes sense because it forms a barrier against dirt and partiÂcles entering your domestic water system. What many people don't know is a whole house filter is ideal for protecting drinking water supplies and appliÂances.
PartiÂcles and impuÂriÂties such as rust and sand can be generÂated when a propÂerty is first connected to the water supply or during mainÂteÂnance work. The BWT R1 backÂflush filter keeps them out of your domestic water system. Installing this or a similar type of drinking water filter in every domestic instalÂlaÂtion is even mandaÂtory according to releÂvant stanÂdards. Without a protecÂtive filter, partiÂcles such as these can cause probÂlems – from a dripÂping tap in the bathÂroom or kitchen to malfuncÂtions in washing machines and other houseÂhold appliÂances.
Height | 352 mm |
Outlet pressure after pressure reducer | 2 - 6 bar |
Mesh size Filter | 90 - 100 µm |
Water temperature min./max. | 5/30 °C |
Operating pressure min./max. bar | 2,5/16 bar |
Fitting length with/without screw connection | 100/184 mm |
Frequently asked quesÂtions about BWT drinking water filters
Can corrosion in water pipes cause damage to health?
How often do I have to service my drinking water filter?
What is a water filter?
What is limescale ?
Are water suppliers obliged to provide clean water?