Planmeca Patrol™ by BWT → dental unit integrated water filtration systems

Planmeca Patrol™ by BWT

Dental unit integrated water filtration systems

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  • A water filtration systen installed inside your dental unit
  • Prevent limescale
  • Improves the smell and taste of water
  • Less downtime
  • No external filter needed
  • Avoid unexpected service calls
  • Ensures the proper operation of your dental unit and instruments
Teknisk data

Planmeca Patrol™ by BWT

Integrated Water Systems for dental units


Planmeca PatrolTM by BWT is a dental unit integrated water filtration system that doesn't require any external filters. It removes unwanted particles from the water entering the dental unit, prevents limescale formation, adjusts water hardness and improves the smell and taste of the water.

Planmeca PatrolTM by BWT includes an advanced four-layer filtration system and an ion exchanger to remove and decrease the number of unwanted elements in the water entering the dental unit. This ways, it ensures the proper operation of the dental unit in an easy way.

The filtration system is located inside the unit, eliminating the need for external filters and their installation and maintenance. The filter system is easily replaced and can be done during normal maintenance or more often depending on the need.

Tekniske detaljer

Planmeca Patrol by BWT

Type Integrated Water filtration System
Capacity, conductivity ≤ 5 µS/cm 290 l
Capacity, conductivity ≤ 15 µS/cm 360 l
Volume flow max. 100 l/h
Max. temperature 30 °C
Water pressure max. 8 bar
Supply and return  3/8” nipple
Ambient air temperature (min/max)
5/40 °C
Dimensions:(H x Ø) (H=connection height) 448 x Ø147 mm
Weight, dry / wet (kg) 1.8


Product Sheets and Brochures
Guides and Manuals

Planmeca Patrol™ by BWT

Integrated Water Systems for dental units


Planmeca PatrolTM by BWT is a dental unit integrated water filtration system that doesn't require any external filters. It removes unwanted particles from the water entering the dental unit, prevents limescale formation, adjusts water hardness and improves the smell and taste of the water.

Planmeca PatrolTM by BWT includes an advanced four-layer filtration system and an ion exchanger to remove and decrease the number of unwanted elements in the water entering the dental unit. This ways, it ensures the proper operation of the dental unit in an easy way.

The filtration system is located inside the unit, eliminating the need for external filters and their installation and maintenance. The filter system is easily replaced and can be done during normal maintenance or more often depending on the need.

Teknisk data

Tekniske detaljer

Planmeca Patrol by BWT

Type Integrated Water filtration System
Capacity, conductivity ≤ 5 µS/cm 290 l
Capacity, conductivity ≤ 15 µS/cm 360 l
Volume flow max. 100 l/h
Max. temperature 30 °C
Water pressure max. 8 bar
Supply and return  3/8” nipple
Ambient air temperature (min/max)
5/40 °C
Dimensions:(H x Ø) (H=connection height) 448 x Ø147 mm
Weight, dry / wet (kg) 1.8



Product Sheets and Brochures
Guides and Manuals

Planmeca Patrol™ by BWT

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